

During my time in Utah House of Representatives, I worked hard through legislative efforts to improve education in Utah and curriculum choice at the local level — where it should be! I helped pass the two largest funding increases in the history of public education. While budgets throughout the state were experiencing double-digit percentage cuts, due to the economic downturn, I showed my commitment to education by working to prevent any reduction in education funding.Education_stephen

We have one of the highest percentages of state budgets going to education of any state in the nation. We must now grow the economy and, in turn, that will fund more educational options and create the jobs for our students in the future. This is a sustainable solution that moves the state forward.

As a Representative, my regular meetings with the Alpine School Board prepared me to target needs in the Legislature. I also met with administrators, teachers, and classified employees. These meetings helped me to respond to their needs and ultimately helped me to craft and pass important legislation that helps them to have the proper resources so they can focus their efforts on educating our children.

My commitment also extended to charter schools where I helped to allocate proper funding to ensure their viability as an educational choice. Charter schools are an important component of our education system.

I have a solid record of supporting education and passing legislation that improved education in our state. I was consistently the highest rated Utah County Legislator on Education Issues during my six years in the House of Representatives. With your vote of support, you can trust me to continue my priorities to promote, enhance, and protect education.

Economy and Jobs

One of my top priorities as your Senator will be helping businesses to create jobs in Utah. I believe in the free market and pro-growth policies that will allow Utah to prosper. Government does not create jobs; business, in particularly small business, creates jobs.

We need to allow the entrepreneurial spirit that made our state great thrive in our economy today.
We need to cut overburdening government regulations imposed on business and relieve business of unnecessary tax burdens.
We need courageous leadership to keep Utah’s economy growing.
I will support legislation that gives businesses the tools to expand and hire new workers in Utah.


High taxes can create a burden on our economy and take away incentives to create jobs.

I believe we should always look at ways to minimize the burden placed upon families and businesses.
As a state representative, I took an active role to keep your taxes low.
I will continue my commitment as a state senator to limit the tax burden on families and businesses, while at the same time maintaining critical funding for our public schools, and keeping our state highway and infrastructure sound.

Second Amendment

I am a hunter, sport shooter, and a strong supporter of our right “To Keep and Bear Arms”.

I have and will continue to oppose any attempt to limit or restrict our second amendment rights.

My efforts in passing several significant laws to protect your “2nd Amendment Rights” earned me an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA). I am the only candidate for Senate District 14 to have received this high rating.

Family and Marriage

family_SandstromsThe family is the central building block of any society. When families are strong and marriage is held in respect, society is strengthened and the need for regulation and government involvement declines.

When marriage and the family are attacked, then government intrusion increases.

I will support policies that will strengthen the family and keep marriage intact.
Furthermore, I am unequivocally pro-life and my record from the Utah State Legislature shows my strong support for pro-life policies


I have a great respect for our environment.

Being an avid outdoorsman and an Eagle Scout I know we should try to responsibly use our environment.

We need to access our resources in a responsible manner. The federal government has restricted Utah’s access to its own lands because of pressure from outside lobbyist groups.

Utahns know what is best for Utah’s lands and I will work diligently to free up the restrictions and regulations limiting Utah’s ability to prudently use and manage our lands.

We need courageous leadership to stand up to federal government and those who try to prevent Utah from using its own lands.

